Center for Expanding Compassion is:

An organization

CEC is a 501c3 located in Utah County that is dedicated to personal and social transformation at multiple levels–that of the individual, the family, organizations, the community, and the planet.

An invitation

CEC offers opportunities to bring yourself as you are and contribute what you can to these efforts. Participation could include monetary donations, active engagement in specific initiatives, and idea generation.

A description of and prescription for humanity

Albert Einstein said it well: A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. – Albert Einstein

Our vision

We imagine a world of deep and pervasive compassion. One that thrives by promoting the healing, peace, and valued living of individuals, families, and community. We see the opportunities for interconnected transformation of people and their environments – specifically those in vulnerable situations. 
We work toward this overall vision guided by the convergence of evolution science and contextual behavioral science and our own deep desire to live in sustainable harmony with people and the earth. 

Our team

Jordan K Harmon, LCSW, Executive Director

Jordan was labeled a peace-maker at a young age by his mother, and this title remains his most aspirational role. He cannot help but to entertain big ideas–often walking slower than he realizes with his head lost in thought. He strives (and often fails) to wrestle these ideas to the ground and synthesize them into workable ways of being. Jordan has worked as social work therapist for over 15 years in various settings. He is currently 1 of 7 people in the state of Utah that is a Linehan Board Certified DBT therapist. 

Joanna Harmon, CSW, Board Member

Joanna is a maker to her core. Personalized homemade gifts, original songs, clothing, children, animals, crafts, art, built-in shelves—she uses her hands, heart, and head to participate with and mimic the Creator she has faith in. Joanna is especially interested in the intersection of healing from trauma and connecting with natural systems.  She is a practicing CSW at Harmon Psychotherapy & Consulting. 

Laura Norman Marre, Board Member

Laura is an avid podcast listener and gardener, often simultaneously, and she is always interested in ways to make the world a little bit better each day. Laura has enjoyed volunteering for the past six years with Circles Utah Valley, an anti-poverty initiative which highlights the importance of social capital in our society. She is continually on the lookout for spare minutes to spend with her husband and four children who are getting closer and closer to making them empty-nesters. In 45 years of life Laura has learned it doesn’t get much better than spending time with her family, whether that be, watching shows, playing music, games, or even just chatting.

Amy Tolk Richards, CSW Board Member

Amy Tolk Richards is skilled at punning and vocally harmonizing on the spot. She is also a CSW, presently working as a mental health therapist at A New View Counseling in Springville, Utah. Over the past three years Amy has worked with a large number of teenagers, both in residential treatment centers and in the public school system. She’s passionate about giving people the tools they need to make good decisions and to cope with difficult feelings and circumstances. Amy’s interests include preventative mental health treatment and psychoeducation around healthier parenting approaches. She wants to help people get to the root of what troubles them and thrive in the midst of their challenges, in order to live more authentic lives. Amy is a mother of four and wife of artist J. Kirk Richards. 

Jon Ogden, Board Member

Heather Holland, Board Member