Bring yourself as you are and contribute what you can.
Self (intrapersonal)

We appreciate your donation to our shared mission to expand compassion in the world in practical ways. Choose among several initiatives to direct your donation.

Emotion-Hacker App
Try out the Emotion-Hacker app (in beta testing) to learn to work with your emotions.
Friends / family / others (interpersonal)

Circles of Compassion
Widening circles of compassion from self outward, through practicing mindfulness, vulnerable sharing, deep listening, and making valued commitments in supportive community. This group is offered to the community on a monthly basis on the second Monday of the month from 7:30pm-9:00pm at Harmon Psychotherapy & Consulting. 760 N. 530 E in Orem, UT.
Community (communal)

Prosocial Utah
Promoting Utah-based organizations that are doing good. These orgs may be able to help you and your loved one or may need your help.

Values to Action, Utah
We’re starting a Utah chapter! VTA utilizes the Swedish Study Circle model to form “Action Circles” – small groups of like-minded people that form around a shared local problem.
Planet (global)

Prosocial Hubs
A directory of global organizations addressing key issues. Feeling hopeless about the many crises addressing us? Find an organization that matches your values and may empower you to engage as a part of the solution.
Organizations (institutional)

Prosocial Consulting
Evolution science is merging with contextual behavioral science and economics in exciting ways. Lin Ostrom won the noble prize due to her extensive work understanding communities and groups that thrive across various domains. She outlined 8 core design principles that can be applied in a process of managed evolution toward valued ends.
Lab (ideas)

A process of collective imagining. An incubator for transformational ideas that may or may not find expression in the material world.